
  • Н. Шолойко


Ключові слова:

професійна освіта, майбутні фармацевти, історико-ретроспективний аналіз, історичні передумови підготовки фахівців для фармацевтичної сфери, виникнення ознак організаційно-управлінської культури фармацевтів


The article outlines the ways of development of Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry in the 20-60s of the twentieth century, the emergence of new forms of medical care, and management structures for the organization of pharmacy in the country. A historical-retrospective analysis of the prerequisites for training specialists for the pharmaceutical sector in Ukraine in one of the main periods of its formation highlights the patterns of development in the general context of professional medical education and clarifies the circumstances of the leading features of organizational culture in pharmacy. It is proved that in previous historical periods of the industry development the prerequisites for the emergence of the organizational and managerial culture of pharmacists were: structuring the pharmacy, its concentration in the hands of the state, expanding the medical industry, and improving medical care, solving scientific and practical issues of pharmaceutical education organization of quality control of pharmacy products, expansion of the pharmaceutical industry and centralization of supply in the pharmacy network.

The scientific achievements of prominent figures of pharmacy in this period (M. Bergolts, N. Valyashko, A. Ginzberg, G. Kogan, V. Dzvoniv, A. Orekhov, A. Stepanov, J. Fialkov, S. Shubin, D. Shcherbachov, and others) who have made significant contributions to the development of pharmaceutical science, construction and improvement of pharmaceutical education, namely: the creation of the first textbooks on pharmacy, the technology of dosage forms, the establishment of a school for the study of organic matter by spectrographic research, development and implementation of dosage technology and galenic preparations, research of medicinal plants, a skillful combination of experiment with scientific research, etc. It promoted scientific development of questions of the theory and practice of pharmacy, advanced training of members of society, expansion and deepening of their specific knowledge, and also education on the best traditions of domestic pharmacy, medicine, and natural sciences, providing scientific and methodological and practical assistance to employees and managers of pharmacy chains.


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Як цитувати

Шолойко, Н. (2024). ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-УПРАВЛІНСЬКІ УМОВИ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ФАХІВЦІВ ВІТЧИЗНЯНОЇ ФАРМАЦЕВТИЧНОЇ ГАЛУЗІ У 20-60-x РОКАХ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ. Українська професійна освіта=Ukrainian Professional Education, (16), 115–126.

